The Tri-Pan is super fun, I've had six companions over my four transfers. I know what's up with the Tri-Pan. It's actually super nice to be in a trio. We contact a lot more in less time, we can visit single ladies, we can afford to buy nice food, I like it.
This Saturday Lund had a baptism! Kind of. There's a divorced family with an unbaptized nine year old daughter, and this week she got baptized, so technically she's a convert baptism. But ya, her baptism was super cool though. And the fika afterwards was super good.
Something I would like to change about my area now is the weather. There is no snow. That makes me sad. The weather has been a solid 4 Celsius all week and a little foggy, sometimes a little windy, I mean, can't I have snow? Is that to much to ask? My first winter without snow is my first winter in Sweden? Isn't that a little backwards?
Now for pictures,
Chillin' like a villain with my comps lightsaber in my jedi-robe bath robe.
On our way home from the Röndahls after some amazing
Swedish food
Malmö/Lund district
A giant lamp in Malmö
On our way home from the Röndahls after some amazing Swedish food.
A giant tower in Kavlinge. It's in a residential neighborhood on a
normal sized lot, with normal sized houses next to it.
Sometimes the need for sleep is undeniable
Some weird squirrel-human-something architecture in the Cathedral in Lund. I would feel bad about taking pictures of other religions places of worship, but the Cathedral rents out as a night club so I didn't feel that bad.
I don't normally look in the mirror, but when I do...
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