Monday, September 25, 2017

Zone conference! Gotland! Yay!

This week we had zone conference, and it was way good! President and Sister Youngberg talked a lot about the Plan of Salvation, and the moral of their presentation is that the plan is true. Then we had trainings on how to plan the day, and have effective personal and companionship studies. It was super good, and super fun to be with all the other missionaries. The Sweden Stockholm mission is the seventh largest (geographically speaking) mission in the world and there are missionaries in every corner of Sweden, so it's not often we get to meet up. It was super fun to see lots of my friends again, and the trainings were super spiritually uplifting. 

Also we got to go do work overs on Gotland! Gotland is the island in the Baltic Sea, it's a very cool spot. The big city is surrounded by a wall that's almost a thousand years old and super tall and thick, with towers, and there were crazy old churches all over on the inside, and the whole city has cobble stone streets, it was a little hard to tell if we were contacting or had accidentally jumped back 500 years into the Feudal ages. The branch on Gotland only has around 12-15 active members, so it was super awesome to get to know them. One of them gave me this super cool rock that says (in ancient rune-script Swedish) "The old Vikings say: If we had known about Christ, we would have been Mormon Missionaries too!"

We don't have that much time now, have a great day! Masoud is doing great still, keep praying for him!
Elder Wilson

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