It's Halloween time! All the pluckgodis stores are going on sale, which means the amazing Swedish candy Saltlakrits is super cheap, so I can eat a lot of it!!! Pluckgodis stores are amazing though, the way candy works in Sweden is you walk into a massive store and all the walls are filled with shelves of open bins of candies, and you just walk around with a bag and scoop candy into it, then pay based on haw many kilograms you have in your bag. There is this one Swedish candy that's a flavored marshmallow-thing wrapped in an almost fondant candy, then sprinkled with sour sugar, it's the second best candy ever. The best is saltlakrits, salt licorice. It's these super black licorice candies completely covered is salt. When you put them in your mouth, your mouth completely explodes with satlyness, but once you suck that away you have an amazing piece of black licorice left that tastes absolutely amazing. Just as the great apostasy makes the restoration seem even more brilliant in comparison, the licorice's taste becomes even more fantastic after the salt overload leaves your mouth.
Yesterday we had dinner with the Röndahl family, and brother Röndahl was an apprentice to one of Sweden's best chefs or something like that, so dinner was kinda super duper amazingly beyond good. We had meatloaf wrapped in bacon served with boiled butter potatoes and lingonberry jam, then for dessert we ate an awe-full raspberry cake. And when I say awe-full I mean every bite made me full of awe for how beautiful life is. Absolutely amazing. Between all the pluckgodis, Kebab pizza, Julmust, musli, potato and korv, bacon wrapped meatloaf, raspberry torta, and Swedish cheeses, it's a true miracle that the kilos keep shedding.
This week the ward council went to the Copenhagen temple, so I got to confirm over 25 (there is a super bad shortage of names in Europe, so the youth are limited to four temple names or as many personal names they bring, and the endowed can only do family names) people that day, but Äldste Gergetz wouldn't let me report that to the zone leaders :( But I did go to Denmark, so that was cool, and I got to learn the confirmation prayer is Swedish, so that was good, and I got to hold my breath for a super long tunnel which was also great.
Also, something that makes life in Sweden super fun is in city limits pedestrians always have the right-of-way, no matter where they cross a road, and jay-walking is legally protected. Then on the high ways between city limits pedestrians don't have the right of way, but are still allowed to jay-walk, and they have massive roundabouts instead of on and off ramps. So on the way to and from dinner at the Röndahls I may have jay-walked a highway roundabout twice at night. It's actually pretty awesome. A little sketch because any oncoming traffic is coming at 70 kilometers per hour and I'm wearing a dark suit at night and they are turning, but everyone has to have something unsafe with their mission and getting told to wear a jacket doesn't count.
Just so everyone know, I did finally get a jacket. It came from a second hand store, which is nice because that means it was pretty cheap, and it has this weird quality to it which makes it look like a thick jacket, but it really isn't. The thing is, it still hasn't dropped below 7 C during proselyting times, and I don't really think Sweden gets super cold this south in Sweden, so I don't really anticipate getting an actual coat this winter unless I get transferred to Norrland, the north third of Sweden.
The relief society president in Lund is a laser physicist and I overheard her after Sunday school asking another scientist in the ward a great question about the electrons in a water molucule and I just wanted to go and sit with these two geniuses and listen to science and look at the drawings they were making, but with a lot of self restraint and encouragement from my companion, I went to Priesthood instead. Then on the way home I saw that they had changed the boards at the bus station to advertisements for Doctor Strange, and that also made me sad because that looks super good. Then during dinner with the Röndahls someone started talking about the Nightmare before Christmas, and once again I felt the desire to watch that movie, or at least listen to it's soundtrack. Those last two instances I got over pretty quick, but I still find myself wondering what a laser physicist would not know about the electrons in a water molecule, and wanting to ask her about it, and talk about what she does as a laser physicist, and wanting to do more science and watch Cosmos and do calculus and study how DNA packs itself into spindles and ugh. I miss science.
Äldste Wilson