This week has been pretty awesome! Life as a missionary in Sweden kinda is pretty awesomely fun and hard, but ya know, time really flies. I have been on a mission for over two months. How crazy is that?
Sorry they're late, but I'll attach some pictures of the Denmark Copenhagen Temple. For some reason in both pictures we weren't with our companions. And the pictures aren't very good. But the temple is awesome, the baptistery is two stories underground and has an awesome mural of the baptism of Jesus Christ, and if you look closely (Well, you guys cant look closely because you guys probably never will see it!!! Hehehe!!!) you can see vikings and danish kings in the crowd on the bank.
Someone gave away their personal collection of church literature (Not sure who or why, but it may be an old man who recently died in the ward) and I managed to snag a nice copy of Jesus the Christ. It's a real miracle, the whole book is over 800 pages but this edition contains every page and is still less than an inch thick. It makes no sense.
Also, fun fact of the day, my mission has iPhones. I believe we are the only mission in the world with iPhones, but they have existed here for a while and they are awesome. I have never loved google maps more. As such, I decided to grace you all with a panorama of the apartment I took when my companion was opening mail! Unfortunately, we don't have any big pictures of Jesus in our apartment, so that's rough.
The last picture is the goal: the baptismal font. Except the glass in front of it is super reflective so you cant really see it. But it looks super cool in real life.
Quick trivia question based on the past life of Elder Wilson: What random obsession came before Sweden? The correct answer is... Baptizing the Pope! And guess who is coming to Lund today? None other then the Pope! I mean, how cool is that? If I can ninja star a pass along card into the Popemobile, not only will one of the Lund Elders buy me a kabob pizza, but I could also fulfill my second prophecy. Go to Sweden on a mission? Check. Baptize the adored leader of the catholic church, and in so doing convert roughly 100 percent of South America? We'll see... You can all watch the news to see if I succeed or not.
Äldste Wilson
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